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Holy calling is that God invites any single person to cooperate with Him for the salvation of humanity. So the Catholic Church makes it clear that all the baptized are called by God; calling for the priesthood, calling for the religious life and marriage life are equally precious to God. Especially the religious are called to live their whole lives according to the evangelical counsels like chastity, poverty and obedience. Franciscan Missionary Brothers of Service is the Religious Institute which is to follow San Francis and his life. Let us invite anyone who will accompany and help us for the formation and education.

- sponsorship association office: 471, Daejong-ro, Jung-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea, Catholic Culture building fourth floor. Tel)040-226-8184/010-5673-8184

-Bank account for the sponsor: Nonghyup 351-0290-2053-63. account holder: FMBS

-International bank account for the sponsor: Nonghyup 351-0290-2053-63. account holder: FMBS